File Format
- Format your Questions: From your document file, if you want to use our txt converter follow the format below. Ensure consistency in the number of choices throughout the document, use similar 4 number of Choices.
- Create txt File:This is the prescribed format we will use for converting to forms. If you opt to use the TEXT converter, follow these steps:
- Copy your file format from step #1.
- Paste it into the text converter.
- Review the text file. If you encounter any errors, make the necessary corrections.
- Wrap all questions with <p> </p> tags.
- Wrap all answers with <a> </a> tags. For the correct answer, use <s> </s> tags.
- Rationales should be enclosed with <b> </b> tags. If you don't have a rationale, include <b> Wrong Answer</b>.
- Convert to Google Form: Copy the content of the text file and paste HERE
- Your Done
Alternatively, if you prefer manual entry, please follow these guidelines: